My Provider

Providence provides my provision.

My Provision requires my Allowance. My Provision is my Allowance.

Without my Allowance, being allowing, I am without my Provision.

My Provision is everything that I need for my journey in this life-time.

Everything that I need in my Life is already provided. Everything that I want is not always provided.

Wanting is a desire of my ego Self that may not be aligned with my Path and is therefore not already provided by Providence. I do not want or need what I already have.

Wanting is a statement of not having. What I do not have has not been provided because there is no provision for it.

What is not provided by providence will require will power to obtain.

Pro-vision is provided with fore-sight.

Provision is already provided by providence with foresight of every step of my journey.

Providence is my Soul in action – My Provider.

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