My Need to Know

My Need to Know is created by my disconnection from my All-Knowingness.

In my omniscient all-knowingness, I have no need to know because I am all-knowing.

My need to know is driven by my need to feel safe & secure.

I believe that I am safe & secure when I know why everything is occurring.

I believe that knowledge allows myself the ability to protect myself from whatever life throws at me.

I believe that I need to understand evil so that I can fight evil and live a good life.

My need to feel safe & secure drives my need to be in control.

When I am in control, I know what is happening, I am in control of what is happening and I feel safe & secure.

When I know that my Soul is All Knowing and that my Soul is in total control and that my Soul always protects my Self, then I know that my safety is assured and I no longer have any need to know.

I know everything that I need to know when I have faith in my Soul.


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