My Mission Is!

My Mission is to live my ideal life in physical form on Earth.

Living on Earth in physical reality, as my Soul intends, is my sole intention.

When my Self is in exclusive connection with my Soul, my life is ideal and as I intend it to be.

My Soul is Divine and living as my Soul intends allows my experience of life to be divine.

My mission is to live a divine life on Earth as this will be Heaven.

Creating the experience of heaven on earth is my divine mission in life.

Living a heavenly, divine life in physical reality is my Soul’s mission for its Self.

What constitutes a divine life of heaven on earth is my mission to discover, explore & experience my Self.

As the creator of my own reality, I have the potential ability to do just that.

Creative ability is enabled by the creative power of creative authority.

Only my Soul has the authority to create a divine life.

My ego Self is authorised to create a duality that is both beneficial & detrimental to my ideal experience.

Only my Soul has the authority to create a space in time that is a divine reality.

Choosing my Soul’s choice for my experience of physical reality allows my Soul’s power to enable my creative ability my Self.

When I allow my Soul’s power to flow effortlessly through me, my life is full of divine opportunities.

When I block my Soul’s power in favour of my ego’s desires, my life is full of challenging problems.

My mission is to experience in physicality the divinely creative power, authority & ability of my Truly Authentic Self.

I am a Missionary on Earth living the Gospel of the Soul.

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