My Mind Is Not My Brain

It is my Mind that transmits & receives thought, from one level of consciousness to another.

My brain is neither a transmitter nor a receiver of thought but a transducer. It is the Mind that creates thought, not the brain.

Thought is a frequency of energy with a relative wavelength. It is a vibration of the spiritual or energetic Mind, not a vibration of the brain.

Brain waves are pulses of a transducing processor. Thought waves are the frequency of a communicating Mind. The vibration of Thought of a communicating Mind is called Consciousness. Brain activity is called physical consciousness, even though brain activity continues during periods of sleep & unconsciousness.

Consciousness exists whether I am physically awake or not, which means that there are different levels of consciousness. At different levels of consciousness, the brain oscillates at different operating levels because it is transducing information from different levels of Consciousness.

It is the Mind that has different levels of Consciousness, not the brain. Sub-conscious thinking, of the sub-conscious Mind, is said to be instinctive. It is the unconscious body’s way of communicating without conscious awakeness or conscious awareness. The physical body’s autonomic system runs sub-consciously in alignment with its programmed belief system. My first programmed belief is that my body functions without me having to think about it consciously, so it does.

Super-conscious Thought is how my Spiritual Entity, my Soul, communicates with its Self. Soul communication is called intuition. I am connected at the Soul Level intuitively. I always have a conscious choice between rational intellect or spiritual intuition, unless that is I have already reacted instinctively to whatever is occurring. Thinking is the ability to analyse all lines of communication between the Soul-Self , the conscious ego-Self or the sub-conscious self called the Id.

Thought is the energy of the Mind in motion. The energy in motion of my mind creates a relative level of conscious thought. At the highest or fastest frequency of thought is my super-conscious mind. At the lowest or slowest frequencies of thinking is my conscious ego sense of Self. Hence the need for a physical brain to transduce high frequencies of intuitive thought to the low frequencies of the ego’s rational thinking.

Brain waves are the wavelengths of mental processing, not the frequencies of mental consciousness. The Mind transmits and receives on different levels of frequency and the brain processes on different levels of wavelength.

Neuroscience has formulated ways of measuring brain waves as electrical impulses but as yet has no way of measuring Mind waves, which are Mental frequencies of Light called the Consciousness of Divine Thought.

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