My Mind

My Mind is not my own.

I have a unique brain but not a unique mind.

I have a unique perspective of Life and I create my own individual physical reality.

Renee Descarte told science many years ago that the mind does not reside in the brain. They have not listened and are still studying the brain as though it is the mind that is the originator of thoughts.

Thoughts do not originate in the brain.

Thoughts are received, processed, stored, remembered and transmitted by the brain. It is this process that makes thoughts individual and personal but this is the action of my brain not my mind.

Making a choice is not making up my mind. My mind is not made up by, or of, what I choose for me.

Most thoughts are just a memory of a past experience or the projection of a past experience into the future.

Memory is stored in my brain not in my mind.

My brain, like a computer, stores information and reprocesses that information but is not capable of original thought.

Original Thought comes from the Universal Mind that is Pure Consciousness. It is channelled to my Self via my Soul.

Pure Consciousness is Original Thought, which is creative because it is the Creator. It doesn’t come from the Creator, it is the Creator. All is created through Thought.

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