My Magnum Opus

My Magnum Opus is my Great Work.

My Great Work is to follow my Destiny.

It is not my fate to achieve greatness, it is my destiny.

My destiny occurs effortlessly when I am awake, aware & alert to my chosen path.

It is my fate to experience all the problems, resistance & misfortune that await me when I am not aligned with my destiny.

My Magnum Opus is to experience, explore & discover my power, authority & ability to live life painlessly, fearlessly & effortlessly.

My vision is to live in a world where everyone is in control of their own power, their own authority, and responsible for their own actions.

I know that to change other people is a process of changing my Self.

My Magnum Opus is to live my vision and change my life.

My great work is to turn my fate into my destiny.

The magnum opus of the Alchemist is to turn base metal into gold.

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