My Inner Dilemma

My Inner Dilemma is my ID.

My ID is my sub-conscious mind.

My sub-conscious mind is my autonomous mental operating system. It has been automatically programmed from birth with my mental beliefs. Any beliefs that I have sub-consciously stored, that are not my truth, are bugs in my mental operating system.

When my sub-conscious mental operating system has conflicting beliefs, memes or programmes, I prevaricate or procrastinate because my choices are unclear. When my authority is without clarity, I am disempowered by my confusion. The conflict in my sub-conscious mind is the cause of the conflict in my conscious experience of life.

It is always my tyrannical Id that I am in conflict with. My Id is the ruling tyrant who dictates that I should do this or I ought to do that. I have to do this or I must do that. It controls my choices by telling me I ought not do this and I shouldn’t do that, I mustn’t do this because I have to do that.

With conflicting beliefs my life is chaotic because there is no clarity in my choices as I have no inner peace. When I choose with clarity, there is no dilemma because there is no inner conflict when I am at peace with my Self.

My Inner Dilemma (ID) becomes my Inner Clarity (IC) because I See my direction of choice with clarity. I have found my True Identity when I have no conflict between my sub-conscious programming and my super-conscious guidance system. When my super-conscious mind is present, I am aware of my clear direction in life. I am no longer lost, confused or frustrated as I have attained my inner peace.

There is no inner dilemma when my sub-conscious id is in alignment with my super-conscious entity because I am expressing my True Identity.

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