My Ideal World

In My Ideal World:

  • I am at one with my Soul and aligned with my Vision
  • I am at the choice of my Soul and being my Purpose
  • I am content with enough, which is Abundance
  • I am experiencing the joy of being in my Power
  • I am equal in equanimity and equability to all other people
  • I am fulfilled with the revelations that show me the way of expansive growth
  • I am doing what I truly Value to do in my Life
  • I accept everything that turns up as a gift and an opportunity
  • I allow everything that I want and I have to reappear in my future
  • I am in gratitude and I am in appreciation of Life
  • I affirm my path, attest to who I am and acknowledge how far I have travelled.

My Ideal World is my version of the Heaven that I choose to create on Earth during my life-time.

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