My Creative Perspective

I experience the affect of my conscious perspective. My conscious perspective both forms & endorses my belief system, which causes the experience that I am consciously experiencing. I consciously experience what I believe to be real. When my experience is beyond belief, I believe it to be either unreal or surreal but not really true. My beliefs determine my behaviour in alignment with my conscious perspective of reality. My sub-conscious perspective causes the affect that I consciously experience.

I cause the experience of my sub-conscious perspective. My sub-conscious perspective is what I believe to be true or untrue about reality. What I believe to be good or bad, right or wrong, positive or negative, beneficial or detrimental, is in alignment with my sub-conscious perspective. This is a problem when my conscious perspective has no concept of what I sub-consciously conceive to be true.

As my sub-conscious beliefs are subjective, my perspective is subjective, yet my conscious experience is objective. When I make a wrong, bad & negatively detrimental choice, I object to the experience that I am being subjected to. My sub-conscious perspective causes a real experience but it is not a true experience. Every true experience of life feels good, right & positively beneficial. It is always an opportunity and never a problem. It is inspiring & empowering, which is never a toleration. My true experience of life requires my true perspective of life, which is super-conscious.

My super-conscious perspective creates my experience. I am at the effect of creation, not the affect of a cause. When my conscious perspective approves my sub-conscious beliefs in alignment with my super-conscious truth, I allow my empowered imagination to flow with inspired creativity. My super-conscious perspective is effortlessly flowing with empowered emotion and inspired mental wisdom.

When I feel emotionally empowered and I know that my wise choice is inspired, I am seeing my life through the perspective of my super-conscious Self. My sub-conscious beliefs are consciously focused in alignment with the creative genius of my Soul. This is the genuine perspective of my imaginary Soul.

My Soul imagines my genuine perspective, for my Self to manifest as my Reality. I perceive the beneficial experience of my true reality when I am in alignment with my True Self, which is my Soul.

When my conscious perspective allows my super-conscious perspective to flow through me, unrestricted by my sub-conscious perspective, my life is genuinely ideal and divine. I am creating the perspective of my super-conscious Self with conscious-awareness of my true reality.

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