My 7 Ideals & 4 True Values

My 7 Ideals:

1. Attesting to the Greatness of my Wealth of Power.

2. Approving the Joy of my Emotional Rationale.

3. Affirming the Goodness of my Wise Authority.

4. Allowing the Fulfilment of my Exclusive Connection.

5. Acknowledging the Gentleness of my Healthy Ability.

6. Accepting the Contentment of my Sensitive Detachment.

7. Appreciating the Effortless Expansiveness of my Happiness & Well-Being.

My 7 ideals create my 4 True Values;

1. Attesting & approving the emotional joy of the great & wealthy power of my emotional-rationale.

2. Affirming and allowing the mental fulfilment of the good & wise authority of my exclusive-connection.

3. Acknowledging and accepting the physical contentment of the gentle & healthy ability of my sensitive-detachment.

4. Effortlessly appreciating the expansiveness of my happiness & well-being.

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