Motive & Purpose

Motive and Purpose are not the same thing.

I am motivated to achieve my motives.

I am empowered to fulfil my purpose.

My motives have an agenda.

My purpose has an intention.

My motives are designed to meet my emotional needs.

My purpose aligns me with my true values.

My motive for doing anything is to meet an emotional need.

My emotional needs create my motives.

My emotional needs are my motive for doing what I do.

I am motivated to meet my emotional needs.

My purpose for doing anything is to be an expression of who I really am.

I am empowered to be who I really am.

When I am being my authentic Self, I am empowered.

When I am not being my true authentic Self, I will need motivating and I will need a motive to motivate me.

I need to be motivated to get my emotional needs met because they provide my power when I am disconnected from my true purpose and my authentic Self – my Soul.

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