
Motion is the product of energy & matter. It can therefore be perceived from both a physical (corporeal) & a spiritual (energetic) perspective.

From a physical perspective, motion is a matter of time, speed & distance, which are the three properties of physical matter in motion. All three properties are measured as the product of the other two.

Time is measured as speed over distance. The speed of Earth around the distance of one orbit of the Sun is called a year. The distance of one revolution at the Earth’s speed of spin on its axis is the time of one day.

Speed or velocity is measured as distance over time. The shorter the time over a measured distance, the quicker the speed. The measured distance of one mile travelled over the time of one hour, has a speed of one mile per hour.

Distance in space is measured as speed over time. The constant speed of light through the medium of space (a vacuum) over time, allows distance to be measured as a light-year. In physical space, distance is measured in linear kilo-metres rather than light-seconds. One light-second is equal to 300,000 kilometres.

From a spiritual or metaphysical perception, motion is a matter of energy vibration. Reality is a matter of energy in motion. The motion of energy in matter is called its vibration. The three properties of energy in motion are its vibration, frequency & wavelength.

The wavelength & frequency of a specific energy in motion determine its e-motion or vibrational experience. From a physical perspective, a vibrational experience is the product of a mental frequency of thought conveyed on an emotional wavelength of feeling; in a space-time-reality.

Physical reality experiences the distance (space) & time of the speed of motion.

Spiritual reality experiences the length (space) & frequency (time) of a vibrational wave.

Personal spiritual reality is a vibrational experience. My energy vibration, my aura, determines the reality of my experience.

Personal time is relative to the frequency of moments of thought. Time is a sequence of personally authorised, thoughtful, conscious, moments of the mind.

Personal space is relative to the wavelength, of the awareness, of empowered feelings of the heart.

The motion of thought in time, allows an individual mental force of authority and the motion of feeling energy in space allows a magnitude of personal emotional power. The experience of spirit or e-motion as a reality, offers a unique potential for the ability of exclusive choice.

Choice allows the frequency of a thought to be divided by polarity. This allows a positive or a negative perspective as an attitude of thinking. We can choose what is right or wrong, good or bad, beneficial or detrimental, for ourself.

Choice allows the wavelength of an emotion to be divided by gender. This allows a male or a female experience of feeling. We can feel empowered or disempowered, sensitive or insensitive, emotional or unemotional, attached or detached etc, etc.

A choice of gender and polarity allows a relative experience of intensity. It is the intensity of the emotional gender of the polarity of our thinking that causes all the dramas in our life. Intensity is a measure of how much I am moved by a particular experience.

The motion of personal thought frequencies through time, allows the emotion of wavelengths of personal feeling in space, as a potential vibrational intensity; experienced as a dramatic personal spiritual reality, which can be very moving.

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