
Morality is a Code of Conduct that defines the Standards of Behaviour that are acceptable by a Society.

A Society’s Morality originates from that society’s religious beliefs.

Western Morality derives from the Jewish Torah and the Christian Bible. It specifically centres around Mosaic Law and the 10 Commandments of Moses.

Although moral codes differ from judicial or common laws, they are still seen within religious circles as God’s Laws.

It is the belief by a society in One God, One Truth, and the pursuit of One Good, that has created the belief in and pursuance of One Morality.

Morality is believed to be the correct interpretation of what God considers to be Right.

It has created a duality of what is seen as immoral because God considers it to be wrong.

Morality is the consequence of a belief in a Judgmental God that decides what is right or wrong for Man.

The reality of different societies and different religious views creates different interpretations of God and different interpretations of what God considers to be good or bad, moral or immoral.

As an Individual Human Being on an exclusive spiritual path, I am able to determine my own standards of behaviour and determine the boundaries of my own experience my Self.

Without a clear vision, mission and purpose in life, I needed the assistance of the moral guidance of others to keep me on track.

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