
Mischief is my non-conformity to the standards of authority of my family and my society.

In the eyes of the authority figures in my society, those who do not conform are up to mischief.

The chief of any society is responsible for the laws and the standards of that society.

Mis-taking the standards of behaviour of a society is mis-chief.

Those who do not conform to the morals, ethics and principles of a society are deemed to be mischievous.

Mischief is a judgment by those in authority about those who are not.

It is an objective view of those deemed to have authority about those deemed to be subject to that authority.

I never see myself as being up to mischief but as following my path and living my life under my own authority.

Mischief is seen as not good by people who see rules and laws imposed on others as good.

They see people who are not under their control as potentially up to mischief.

It is perpetrated by a belief that without rules and laws there would be anarchy.

A belief instituted by the ruling classes called monarchy.

No one has created more mischief in our civilisation than those who perport to rule over us.

Without chiefs and hierarchies there can be no mischief.

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