Miracles are Logical

Miracles and logic appear to be polar opposites but they are not.

The opposite of a miracle is an everyday ordinary event.

Natural everyday events are considered rational and follow the known laws of science.

Miracles are classed as unnatural or supernatural events but they can still be logical even though they are not rational.

They are logical because they follow a formula.

Miracles follow the formula for Energetic Attraction.

Formulae are logical and because miracles follow a formula they are by definition logical.

All miracles comform to the law of attraction.

Everything in the Universe conforms to the Law of Attraction, even miracles, because Attraction is the law and it is immutable.

The formula for the Law of Attraction is c+b=a; where ‘a’ is whole and ‘b and c’ are the polar or gender opposites of that whole.

The Law of Attraction is logical, it is also responsible for causing all and every miracle that has ever occurred.

When we learn the Law of Attraction, miracles start to become everyday events.

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