Mental Fatigue

Mental fatigue is due to frustrated thinking.

Mental frustration is my inability to process my thinking satisfactorily.

It is the experience of an unsuccessful mental process.

When my mental processing is frustrated, I get mentally fatigued due to my inability to formulate a clear direction.

My frustration & fatigue is caused by the resistance that my processor experiences due to a fear or limiting belief.

Pure thoughts experience no resistance as they are empowered with inspiration.

Impure thinking is the consequence of false beliefs, which will always cause resistance, entropy & frustration.

I get tired of following the same inconclusive beliefs and failing to achieve my true objectives.

My fatigue is mental, yet my tiredness is emotional.

I use will power to overcome resistance and I become emotionally tired when I lose the will to continue.

It is my ego’s will that powers my frustrated authority and causes mental fatigue.

My Soul is never tired, fatigued or frustrated.

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