Mental Disorders

Mental Disorders are recognised as behaviour disorders.

Where no behavioral disorder is recognised, no mental disorder is apparent.

It is believed that a mental disorder is the result of a malfunctioning brain.

This is itself a belief disorder that creates a behaviour disorder of looking for the cause of a mental disorder in the brain.

Behaviour always follows belief.

My beliefs determine my behaviour.

Orderly beliefs, beliefs that are normal, create normal behaviour that is orderly.

Disorderly beliefs create abnormal behaviour that is disorderly.

Mental disorders are belief disorders.

Believing that all mental beliefs should have the same order is a disorder.

Believing that mental beliefs are created by the brain is a belief of normal, orderly, brainy people.

Knowing that my mind uses my brain to process orders is a different belief entirely.

Forcing our beliefs onto other people is not a sane thing to do.

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