Mental Capacity

My Capacity is my Authority to make choices.

When I have the capacity to make a choice, I am authorised and enlightened.

My capacity to hold my ‘Light’ is the measure of my force of authority to choose my own Life Path.

An enlightened choice is the pathway to a Life of Fulfillment.

My force of Authority is determined by my capacity to hear the messages of direction from my Soul & Inner Coach.

My Soul is my Authority and knows the choices that I have chosen for this lifetime.

My capacity to connect to my Soul determines the amount of authority that is available to me, in any moment of time.

My capacity to grow is determined by my authority to hear the messages that define the direction of my personal development.

As I overcome the challenges of life and open the doors of opportunity, my capacity for expansive growth becomes exponential.

My Mental Capacity is limited only by my knowledge. It expands exponentially through the wise revelations that are my ‘Knowing’.

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