Mental Authority

My Mental Authority is my belief system.

My belief system is the sum total of my personal beliefs.

A personal belief can be authorised or unauthorised.

That means I either wrote it myself or I don’t own it.

Authorised beliefs are empowered and they are transmitted on a pure wavelength of emotion.

I would not choose to own a disempowering belief.

Unauthorised beliefs are disempowering.

They are transmitted on a divided frequency of thinking that causes a divided wavelength of emotion.

Divided frequencies of thinking, based on a limited belief system, are polarised in either a positive or a negative direction, which is their polarity.

Divided wavelengths of emotion, caused by divided frequencies of thinking, have a male or female gender as opposing perspectives or perceptions of reality.

My personal perspective of reality either connects or disconnects my Self from the authority of my highest vision for my Self.

My highest vision for my Self is the perspective of my Soul, which always has the authority to empower & inspire me with what I truly value on my ideal journey in life.

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