Memory Loss

Memory is never lost.

What is lost is the ability to recall or access memory.

Conscious memory is short term.

The more I rely on my short term memory the more confused I can become.

The ability to competently recall long term memory is relative to how well it is stored in the sub-conscious mind.

My ability to hear my Soul’s messages is of greater benefit than recalling long term memory.

My Soul focus is the present, not the past.

My questions are always answered in the present moment.

When I am not presently listening, I lose the ability to access my super-conscious memory.

How quickly I get an answer is relative to how exclusively I am connected.

My Soul allows access to my super-conscious memory to aid & assist my development.

A disconnected ego will have to rely on the competence of its short or long term memory, which becomes increasing disconnected with age.

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