
Memes are sub-conscious beliefs.

My personal collection of memes becomes my belief system.

A meme is a belief based on a personal perspective that influences behaviour.

Behaviour is caused by belief.

Memes are the driving force behind our actions.

A meme is either empowering or disempowering.

An empowered meme alows effortless action.

A disempowering meme is a limiting belief that causes an emotional need.

An emotional need for power is the effect of a diempowering belief or a limiting meme.

My collection of memes form my mental operating system.

Memes may be inherited from other people as part of a mass consiousness in the form of morals, ethics, laws, rules, standards or principles.

As I change my mind about what is true for my Self, my memes change, my behaviour changes and my reality evolves.

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