
Mean can be a verb, a noun or an adjective.

The verb to mean clarifies a definition. I define what I mean with clarity. A clear definition has a definite meaning. Life has meaning when it is clearly defined. I mean what I say when it’s meaning has clarity. I mean to do what I do with purpose.

The noun mean is a balance. When I find the mean, I find the balance. I find the balance when I clearly define what the balance means. I have balance when I define the mean and I have clarity when I define the meaning. A clear balanced perspective identifies the means, the meaning and the mean.

The adjective mean describes a negative state of being that is clearly not in balance. I always see my Self as in balance, never as being mean. It is other people who see me as mean, ironically because they see me as out of balance with them. I am seen as mean when I am in balance but others see me as out of balance. Others expect me to share what I have with them, so what we both have is in balance. When I refuse to share what I have with them because it is divisive, they see me as mean, unkind and miserly. Other people define me as mean, selfish & divisive when I refuse to give them what I have and they need. Being truly Selfish means that I am mean & in balance, not mean & unkind.

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