Managers use People

Managers use people to carry out tasks and to achieve objectives.

People who are used to do tasks , jobs and work are called employees.

Good managers use employees well.

Bad managers use employees badly. They misuse them and abuse them.

Good employees manage to do their job well and succeed in their objectives.

Bad employees don’t manage to do their job to the standard of the company and fail in their objectives.

Workers employ the tools of their trade in their work.

Managers employ people to do the work of their trade. People are the tools of a manager’s trade.

The best managers use people in the most effective way.

Workers are a resource. Managers are paid to manage that resource.

Without people to do the work and the tasks required of the job, managers would not be able to manage.

A company that only needs one employee doesn’t need a manager.

Managing to do all the tasks myself, that are required to meet the objectives of my business, does not make me a manager, it makes me a worker.

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