Malignant & Benign

Malignant means mis-aligned or badly aligned.

When I am badly aligned, I am not aligned with the Truth and my Soul.

The truth is that this is bad for me when it is not what I want.

When mis-aligned and not guided on my path, I am not spiritually growing.

For an awakened Soul, this is not good.

Benign means beneficial, kindly and good for my Self.

What I experience as beneficial and good is what I want.

My spiritual path in life is the way of a kindly Soul. It is the Path of Goodness.

My spiritual path is the expansive growth of my spiritual energy – my Consciousness, which is always Kindly and Benign.

Cancer is a symptom of chaotic growth at a cellular level, which I experience to be malignant.

It is the chaos of too much dis-order and an external sign of my internal disconnection from my Truth.

Cancer is never Benign.

My Soul is never Malignant.

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