Male Energy

Male Energy is a wavelength of emotion with a male gender.

It is a male perspective of emotional energy.

It is a male perspective as opposed to a female perception of emotion.

Emotions of male gender are called sins.

In a society that needs male energy to survive, female energy is required to be submissive to its leadership.

The same is true for the followers of any religion, which is why female energy is seen to be virtuous.

Male energy is Exclusive & Disconnected.

Male energy is Insensitive & Detached.

Male energy is Rational & Unemotional.

Male energy is Empathetic & Apathetic.

It is Proud, Envious, Gluttonous, Lustful, Greedy, Wrathful, Arrogant, Angry & Slothful.

These are the effect of masculine beliefs, which determine masculine character.

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