
Magic is a trick.

Magic is a trick performed by my physical ego or on my physical ego.

Magic challenges the laws of the physical world by appearing to defy them.

From a rational perspective, anything that overcomes the laws of physics, is  magic and a trick.

Magic is an illusion. When we understand the trick, there is no longer any magic.

Magic and illusion are possible in a world that is already an illusion.

The physical world is an illusion of energy appearing to be matter.

It is an illusion of physicality appearing to matter.

What appears to be physical appears to be real.

If physicality is an illusion then physical reality is not really real. It must be a trick that is magic.

If we collected the protons, neutrons and electrons that make up the atoms that make up every man, woman and child on this physical world right now, they would fit inside the space of a sugar cube.

The reality is that what we appear to experience as physical matter is in fact empty space. Physicality really is just an illusion.

It appears that physical Life is a trick played on my ego Self by my Soul.

Spiritual Reality is not a trick, not an illusion and not magic. It is the Miracle of Life.

When I truly experience this miracle called Life, it really is magic.

2 Replies to “Magic”

  1. From the conversations I have with friends, I’ve learned that unless you are immersed in the new age spirituality–or whatever else you want to call it–movement, it’s nearly impossible to understand the metaphor of magic and illusion.

    Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the analogy. But isn’t a big part of of our purpose to spread this understanding.

    How can we come up with a more tangible analogy or metaphor to serve others and open the door of possibility to others not yet on our same path?

  2. I agree Matt. Understanding the metaphor of magic and illusion is not possible for someone who has not yet been awakened to their spiritual path.
    It is not my purpose to awaken people. It is part of my purpose to share my understanding with those who are already awakened and on a spiritual path.

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