M Theory

M Theory is the theory of Multiple Universes.

Multiple Universes are an oxymoron.

Universe means one Version or the version of Oneness.

There can only be one version of Oneness and one Universe. There is only One God.

M Theory allows for Multiple Realities to exist within the One Universe.

Science, in its quest for the One Reality, is looking for it to exist in many different universes.

Religion is looking for God’s Reality to become the one version of reality.

Spirituality is the understanding of  many realities existing simultaneously within the One Universe.

Science believes that M Theory will combine everything into One Reality, which if multiple realities are real can never happen.

Science will never discover a Theory of Everything because it omits the energy of spirit from the equation.

This physical world allows the illusion of one reality. A study of the physical world is a study of this one reality.

Multiple Realities existing within the same physical space and time are currently beyond the remit of scientific thinking.

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