Lust & Love

Lust is the need to have whatever I desire.

Love is the value of getting what I need & desire.

Lust is the selfish care that I have for my Self.

Love is the unselfish care that I have for another.

I care for myself when I am getting what I need emotionally.

I care for others by meeting their needs for my emotional energy.

I love it and I value someone who cares for me and meets my emotional needs.

I hate it when my needs are unmet and I am driven to lust after whatever I desire with a passion.

I lust after life when it has no apparent value and my needs are unmet.

I love life when all my emotional needs are met.

I love my lust for life when I am doing what I truly value.

Caring for my Self may be seen as a selfish lust or truly selfish unconditional love for my Self.

Caring for others may be seen as an unselfish need or a truly selfish unconditional love for others.

True Love is an unconditional adjective state of being.

It is neither the subjective love that is lust nor the objective love that is the need to care for another’s needs emotionally.


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