
Lust is the craving for material or physical experiences and possessions.

Lust is the feeling of “I must have” and “I badly want”.

Badly wanting anything is by definition not good.

A man may lust after the physical experience of sex or the physical experience of driving a fast car.

A woman similarly may lust after the physical experience of sex or may lust after a new fur coat or a washing machine, in exchange for having sex.

Lust and sex are not gender specific.

The opposite of lust is the ‘love’ of emotional or non-material experiences.

When love becomes a need, it is also a ‘must have’ and a ‘badly want’.

It is not that a needy woman wants to own her man as a material possession but to possess a man that she ‘loves’ and needs because he meets her needs emotionally.

When I lust after or need to love something, I have a belief that I am without something, which disconnects me from my True Self.

Lusting after life is a statement of not already having what I want and believe that I need in life.

Once I am experiencing Life as I choose and intend, I have overcome the duality of the desires of lust and the passionate need for love.

I am then able to discern what True Love means to me.

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