Love Thy Neighbour As Thyself

Love Thy Neighbour as Thyself is a Golden Rule. It is a Christian interpretation of the Golden Rule, to do unto others as you would have others do unto you.

The question: ‘How do I love my neighbour’, is first asked with the question: ‘How do I love my Self?’ More precisely, ‘Who am I being when I am loving myself?’

When I love my Self, I am being Kindly. When I attain the attribute of kindliness, I can attribute the emotional state of being kindly, to my Self.

Kindliness is the state of being loving to oneself. It kindles the emotional power of self love from within one’s Self. Kindliness is the agape love of the Soul for its Self and is therefore an aspect of pure love. It is the esteem of supreme self-care, with the true value of self-worth.

Kindliness is often confused with the kindness of giving and receiving in relationship to others. I am perceived as kind when I give to others and I perceive others to be kind when they give to me.

The Soul is never kind or unkind to its Self. It is always being kindly, never kind. I am kindly when I love my Self as my Soul loves its Self. My Soul kindly gives to its Self what is chosen by its Self. My Soul kindly allows myself choice and its Self choice. Kindliness has the mutual gratitude of the self appreciation of the Soul, whereas, giving & receiving with others can be without kindness, appreciation or gratitude.

I love my neighbour as I love my Self, when I express and share my kindliness as a mutual compassion kindled between two Souls. Sharing my love for my Self with another, kindles the power of love that we are mutually expressing. I share the pure love of my Soul with others, as I would have others share the pure love of their Soul with me.

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