Love Thy Neighbour As Thy Self

Love Thy Neighbour as Thy Self is the 2nd Commandment of Jesus and the Golden Rule. To apply the Golden Rule in alignment with the Commandment of Jesus requires me to know my Self.

Knowing my Self is an intuitive higher knowing, not knowledge gained through the experience of the physical ego sense of Self. I experience the physical world with my five physical senses but love is not physical, it is emotional.

Knowing my Self emotionally requires emotional intelligence or knowledge of my emotional state of being; which can only be experienced with intuitive insight or instinctive perception.

I instinctively perceive love as an intuitive feeling when I see my Self with intuitive knowing. Seeing my Self with an intuitive knowing or an intuitive feeling requires a conscious awareness of my emotional intelligence.

Before I am able to love my neighbour as my Self, I am required to first love my Self. Loving my Self is not something that I can physically do but something that I am emotionally being when I am being an expression of love, my Self.

To love my Self requires the existence of two Selfs or two aspects of my Self. Love is the objective of a subjective Self, so the minimum requirement for Self love is a subjective and an objective Self. The objective of the Self is to love the subject of the Self.

The subject of the Self is called the conscious Ego Self, which is the subject of physical reality when it is subjected to physical reality.

The object of the Self is its sole purpose or Soul purpose, which is to create objectives for its Self, in alignment with its personal mission & vision for life in physicality.

In three dimensional reality, there really are three aspects or dimensions of the Self. The third dimension of the Self is the adjective sub-conscious Self or Id. It is the sub-conscious needs & beliefs of the Id that determine personality & character of the ego and adjectively determine who I am being in relationship to whatever is occurring in my life.

My emotional state of being is an expression of whether I am loving of my Self, or not, and is relative to the mental beliefs that I sub-consciously hold, determine what I need emotionally and form my personality.

When I adjectively describe who I am being, I name the emotional state of Beingness that I am currently expressing. I love my Self when I am expressing a pure emotional feeling that is positive & beneficial. It is positively beneficial for my Self when I am feeling the love that I am expressing from my Soul. Love is an expression of my Soul, which is expressed through my Self.

When I am expressing a pure feeling of love, I am being an expression of my Soul’s true love for whatever my Self is doing. When I am doing what I truly love, I am inspired & empowered to express & experience my Soul’s love for who its Self is being. My Soul’s love is the powerful emotional feeling that expresses my empowered state of being. When my emotional feeling is empowered, I am expressing my Soul’s love for its Self.

When my Self is in alignment with my Soul, my Id is in alignment with my Entity and I am expressing the true emotional nature of my essence. Loving my Self is the essence of my Soul acknowledging the essential nature of its Self. When I express my essential nature, I am empowered by the love of my Soul because my Self & my Soul are connected, in alignment and united in their essential Beingness.

I (my Soul) love my Self (my ego) when my sub-conscious attitude (my Id) is aligned with the true nature of who I really am. When I express as an emotional state of being, who I really am, I am expressing a pure aspect of love from my Soul as an expression of my true Self, so I am loving who I am being by being loving of my Self.

When I love my Self, it feels divine because I am expressing a divine aspect of my Self that is pure and therefore authorised & empowered by my Soul. Without the presence of the Soul, there can be no true love for one’s Self. Without the Soul there is only vanity, which is when the ego loves its Self in vain.

Vanity is a negative emotion and when I am expressing any negative emotion, it is not a true reflection of who I really am. A negative emotion is an expression of my disconnection from the Source of my true authority, which is my Soul. When my Self is disconnected from my Soul, my ego is apart from my Entity and I am expressing a negatively directed aspect of my Id.

Negative emotional attributes are the effect of false beliefs and fears that are programmes of the sub-conscious Id. When I express a negative attribute, I experience a negative emotional feeling that discerns my disconnection from my alignment with my true path in life. Negative emotion is the instinctive feeling that I am out of alignment with my Soul’s direction & guidance.

In this relative dual reality world, I have choice and that choice allows a choice of direction or polarity of the focus of my thinking. The focus of my attention can be polarised in a positive or a negative way relative to the gender of my emotional state of being, which can be male or female in its persuasion.

When my male or female emotional energy is aligned with my masculine or feminine character, I am either attractive or unattractive and I either like myself or not. I can either like or dislike, love or hate, the character that I am currently playing with my persona, based on my perceived personal circumstances.

I am able to love my Self and love the emotional feelings that I am expressing when I positively balance the gender of my energy vibration as a pure expression of my own divinity. Vibrations of emotion that are divided by gender or polarity are normal but not natural, prime or divine attributes and therefore not pure aspects of Love.

I love my Self when I am expressing pure attributes of emotionally empowered energy because I am feeling the divine Love of my Soul as an expression of my Self. It is my pure connection with my Soul that allows me the emotional power to love the essence of who I am.

The essence of who I am is a prime, natural & divine aspect of the Love that the Soul has for its Self. Only when I love myself as my Soul loves its Self can I love my neighbour as my Soul loves every aspect of its Self.

I realise that loving my neighbour is natural when I realise that my neighbours are all aspects of my Soul and my Soul loves all aspects of its Self. When there is no disconnection of my Self from my Soul there is no disconnection of my ego from my neighbours.

I truly love my neighbour as I truly love my Self when I intuitively see all the opportunities that are on offer to my Self in the eternal journey of my expansive Soul.

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