“Love is never having to say I am Sorry”

Love is the Acceptance of knowing that Life Just Is.

Love forgives all actions. They do not need to be pardoned.

Love accepts the actions of all others as their actions and their choice.

Love is not dependent on the actions of others.

My power comes from within, not the action or non-action of another.

Love is the Equanimity of knowing that we are all equal.

Love does not humble itself to the arrogance of another.

Love does not please others by doing their bidding.

Love does not tolerate doing what I have to, I ought to, I should or I must.

Love is not greedy and selfish and detrimental to others.

Love is the authority to follow my own path.

Love is the power to allow others to follow their own paths.

Love is the ability to know no wrong.

Love is the ability to never need to apologise.

Love never crosses another’s boundaries.

Love is never having to say I am sorry.

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