Love Is:

Love Is:

The omnipotent magnitude of power that is wealth.

The magnitude of power that is omnipotent wealth.

The magnitude of wealth that is omnipotent power.

The power of wealth that is my magnitude of omnipotence.

The wealth of power that is my omnipotent magnitude.

The magnitude of omnipotence that is my wealth of power.

The omnipotent wealth that is the magnitude of my power.

The wealth of omnipotence that is the power of my magnitude.

The power of my omnipotence that is my magnitude of wealth.

The omnipotent wealth that is the magnitude of my power.

The power of the magnitude of my omnipotent wealth.

The omnipotent power of the magnitude of my wealth.

Love Is:

  • The Power of my magnitude, omnipotence & wealth
  • The Magnitude of my omnipotence, wealth & power
  • The Omnipotence of my wealth, power & magnitude
  • The Wealth of my power, magnitude & omnipotence

Which ever way I perceive it to be, Love Is:

“The magnitude, wealth, omnipotence & power of my Soul’s Love for my Self”.

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