Losing my Mind

Losing my Mind is an oxymoron.

I cannot lose my mind, neither can I lose my brain.

I can lose my conscious connection to my mind and I can lose my memory that is stored in my brain.

Memory loss is not considered to be the same as losing one’s mind. We commonly have a distinction between mind and memory but not between mind and brain.

Losing my mind is a term used for insanity or madness.

I do not lose my mind. I lose my ability to process information in a rational way.

The inability to think rationally produces irrational behaviour. Extreme irrational behaviour is called insanity, madness, or losing one’s mind, and is diagnosed as a mental illness.

Similarly I do not lose my memory. I lose the ability to access or recall my memory.

The most common reason for losing one’s mind is the fact that one has never found one’s mind.

Looking for my mind in my brain or in my memory will allow it to stay lost for ever.

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