"Looking out for"

I look out for:

  • People who I have a duty to look after’
  • People who I believe are vulnerable and need care.
  • People who rely on me for their emotional power.
  • People who follow my authority and need me to make their choices.
  • People who depend on me because of their own inability, incapacity or incapability.
  • People who meet my emotional needs.
  • People who I like and who are like me.
  • People who are my own kind, who I choose to treat with kindness.
  • Everyone with whom I have developed a co-dependent relationship, including my pets.

‘Looking out for’ is not the same as ‘having a high regard for’, ‘holding in high esteem’ or ‘respecting highly’.

I do not need to ‘look out for’ people who I respect highly, hold in high esteem or have a high regard for, because they are more than capable of looking out for themselves.

When I respect and regard all people equally, I will have no need to look out for anyone.

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