
Logic is formal.

It defines form and follows a formula.

The physical world is logical. It follows the formulae defined as the Laws of Physics.

A world that follows a logical formula is seen to be rational, but not all logic is rational.

Spirit and emotion are not rational, but they are logical.

Spirit and emotion become logical to me once I know the formula.

In the absence of a formula, spirit is seen as illogical and emotion is seen as irrational.

Spirit means energy and emotion is energy in motion.

Energy has a formula even though it does not appear to have form.

Everything that is physical is the form that energy is assuming.

Einstein gave us the formula for Energy: E=MC².

We now need to understand what Energetic Mass is as opposed to material mass and to understand what C² or the speed of light means logically.

Once we understand the formula B² + C² = A², Energy will become logical.

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