Linear Time

Linear Time plots the reality of a time-line in space.

It is the time-line of our solar system on its journey through space.

The spin of the Earth on its axis measures one day.

The orbit of the Earth around the Sun measures one year.

The orbit of the solar system around the galactic centre allows the reality of every day in a new space-time co-ordinate.

The rotation of the solar system around the sun’s axis allows the apparent movement of the constellations through the Ages of Man.

As the Earth speeds through the distance of space, time is created.

With no spin, no orbit & no rotation there is no speed, there is no time and there is no reality; just the unrealised potential of empty space.

Linear time follows a continuous reality as it unfolds through space.

It is the journey of the solar system around the milky way galaxy that creates linear time as a reality in space.

It is the journey of an electron around its proton nucleus in a quartz crystal that creates a vibration that powers our atomic clocks.

A journal is the record of the reality of our space journey along a time-line that is linear time.

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