‘Light’ & ‘light’

‘Light’ is the force of Spiritual Energy.

Love is the magnitude of Spiritual Energy.

Life is the potential of Spiritual Energy.

Love & Light reveal the potential of Life.

Love, Life & Light are a Triality, a Triune Reality.

‘light’ & heavy are a duality.

‘light & heavy’ are the measure of weight by volume.

The density of matter (weight/volume) is either light or heavy.

The Density of Energy is its force (weight) x magnitude (volume), which is called its potential.

The denser the energy, the more potential it has.

Potential is the latent energy of matter.

The denser the matter, the less energetic potential it has, the more resistant it is, the less motion it has and the more static it becomes.

The denser the matter the heavier it is by volume, the less ‘light’ it is and the less ‘Light’ that it has.

The less ‘Light’ that I have, the denser and thicker I am, irrespective of how much I weigh.

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