Life is an Emotional Experience

My Emotional Intelligence requires more than the ability to manage my irrational behaviour.

It requires the ability to understand my emotional experiences rationally and intelligently.

The cause of irrational behaviour is the lack of  intelligence.

I react irrationally with what is seen as an emotional reaction.

I am able to consciously respond with positive emotion once I attain the intelligence and understanding to do so.

My irrational behaviour is a symptom of  my lack of rational intelligence.

The cause of my irrational behaviour is my lack of emotional intelligence.

Extreme irrational behaviour is diagnosed as mental illness by a rational person who is without emotional intelligence.

In the absence of emotional intelligence, life has become an unemotional experience for rationally intelligent people and life has become an irrational experience for emotionally unintelligent people. (Both the mental patient and the psychiatrist are reflecting to each other their absence of emotional intelligence even though one has a rational perspective and the other an irrational perspective).

In a dualistic world, the more rationally intelligent I become the more emotionally unintelligent I am and the more irrational I appear to be, the more emotionally unintelligent I appear to be.

Life is an Emotional Experience once I become emotionally intelligent enough to allow it to be.

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