Life Coaching in Business

Companies don’t employ Life Coaches.

Companies employ Business Coaches.

Business Coaches may be Executive Coaches for Directors, Leadership Coaches for Managers, Team Coaches for Workers, or Corporate Coaches for all levels of employment.

Business Coaches promote Personal Professional Development.

Their objective is to develop the individual professionally in order to grow the profitability of the business.

Whereas all employees of a Company will benefit from Life Coaching, few companies will pay large sums of money to develop their employees’ well-being and happiness.

Employers want good problem-solvers and good risk assessors rather than employees who are problem-free and fearless.

Companies and Corporations want measurable results and increased income in exchange for their expenditure.

Life Coaching promotes Personal Development not Professional Development, even though it can be argued that it is very beneficial in the work place as well as at home.

A successful Business Coach knows this and will develop their client in both their personal and their profesional development.

It is often the personal development that the client finds most beneficial, whereas it is the professional development that their employer is paying for.

Whether the client knows the difference is not relevant as long as the Coach does.

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