Levels of Authority

My Level of Authority is determined by who makes my choices for me:

Level One Authority is when I allow other people to decide for me. At level one I am highly influenced by what other people think when I am making a decision. I defer to the superior knowledge and authority of others when faced with an important decision. I believe that I am only entitled to what other people agree that I deserve. It is important to me that my choices are in alignment with what others are choosing for them and for me.

Level One Authority is driven by my humility and the need to be unselfish. It is the authority instilled in me by my society, my religion, my government, and my upbringing.

It is the choice of my Sub-conscious Self.

Level Two Authority is achieved when I decide that the best choice for myself is the choice that I decide myself is best for me. At level two, the opinions and beliefs of other people have very little influence on the decisions that I make for myself. I make choices based on my belief of how beneficial it will be for myself and what is ultimately in my own best interests.

Level Two Authority is driven by my selfish pride and arrogance and the need to be self-determined. It is the authority that is given to me by my sense of ego self.

It is the choice of my Conscious Self.

Level Three Authority is attained when I know that the choices that I make resonate within the core of my Being. They are an expression of my True Self and reflect the highest aspect of who I am. At level three, I know that what is beneficial for my Self is never detrimental to another. I know that whatever I choose for all others, I also choose for my Self. It is the authority that connects me to my true emotional power.

Level Three Authority is the attainment of True Selfishness. It is a gift to my Self from my Soul.

It is the choice of my Higher-conscious Self, my Soul.

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