Let Others Follow Their Own Path

When I allow others to follow their own path, others allow me to own & follow my path.

When I interfere with the path of another, others interfere with my path.

I am either guiding & supporting others on their path or I am blocking their progress.

I am either helping them take their opportunities or I am part of their problem.

Life is only a drama when I am off track.

When I contribute to another’s drama, I hinder their path.

When I am off track, I attract others who are similarly off track to show me the errors of my way.

This is the Law of Attraction in action.

When I interfere in another’s path, others do unto me as I have done unto them.

This is the Golden Rule in action.

When I practice the Golden Rule, the Law of Attraction brings me everything that I need on my path.

When I break the Golden Rule, chaos & disaster follow.

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