Leadership Skills

Leadership Skills are an oxymoron.

Managers have skills.

Leaders have Qualities.

Managers utilise skills to use people to follow their directive.

The skill of management is using people effectively.

The skills of management allow people to be used effectively.

Leadership qualities attract followers.

The quality of leadership determines the magnitude of the attraction and the size of the following.

Without followers, there are no leaders.

Managers do.

Leaders just are.

Leadership Qualities are states of Being not skills.

The quality of my emotional state of Being determines the quality of my leadership potential.

People who follow the example of what I am doing are trainees.

Those who follow the example of who I am Being are disciples.

A trainer leads by example, which makes them a trainer, not a leader.

The qualities of leadership are ‘modelled’ and coached.

The skills of management are trained, instructed and taught.

The only skills that leaders have is the skill to manipulate and to assert their authority over others, which is how they manage and use their followers effectively.

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