Knowing the Future

Knowing the Future is an oxymoron.

I cannot know the future, I can only experience the present.

Until the present presents itself, it is unknown.

The future is yet to happen and yet to be created.

It is just a possibility of what may occur based on present thinking.

It is my perspective and my perceptions of my present reality that create my future.

To know my future, I would have to be aware of everything that is occurring in this present moment and every other present moment that has ever occurred in my life so far. This is beyond the capability of the conscious mind.

My future can never be exactly the same as my present reality because change is the nature of reality.

The only thing that I can know with certainty about my future is that something will change, and that makes the future uncertain.

Prophecies and predictions are just an attempt to influence and persuade an uncertain mind of its fate.

It is my destiny to know that I do not know, because in my heart I choose not to know.


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