
The cure for impatience is knowing.

When I know that what I am waiting for is on its way, I allow myself to wait patiently.

When that knowing is based on knowledge that is learned it is often flawed.

Knowledge is not infallible. What happened as a previous experience may not always re-occur.

What other people tell me does not always happen.

Even with the best knowledge in the world, disappointment can still occur.

Infallible knowing is intuitive.

When I know intuitively, I am never mistaken.

Knowing is my intuition that senses what truly is.

My intuitive knowing is divinely authorised.

It is an absolute statement of truth.

With intuitive knowing, there is no expectation, I just know.

With my sense of knowing, I overcome the duality of patience or impatience.

With knowing, I shift from being patient to being allowing.


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