
Kismet is a predetermined or unavoidable destiny.

A pre-determined destiny is my fate.

When my destiny is pre-determined, I am not consciously choosing it.

An unavoidable destiny is my fate. When my destiny is unavoidable, I have no choice.

My Destiny is the choice of my Soul.

I am following my Destiny when I am aligned with my Soul’s choice.

When I am aligned with my ego’s desires, I will encounter my fate.

When I abdicate my choice, I encounter my fate.

When I tolerate my life and what is occurring in my life, I am receiving my fate.

The difference between my destiny and my fate is my perspective of what I am experiencing.

When I accept what is occurring in my life without toleration and see it as a gift, I am receiving what I am destined to receive.

When I am effortlessly flowing with life, I am allowing my destiny to arrive.

My fate is what I will have to tolerate when my ego Self chooses or fails to choose.

My Destiny is aligned with my Soul’s choice.

My Soul’s choice is never pre-determined and always avoidable.

Kismet is therefore my fate but not my Destiny.

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