Kindness & Kindliness

Kindness & Kindliness are not the same thing and they are often confused.

Kindness is my affinity in a generous way to my own kind.

Kindliness is the ‘spark of light’ that is my affinity to my own True Self.

The opposite of kindness is the meanness and miserliness that is expressed to people who are not like me, not of my kind and whom I do not like.

I am never kind or generous to people whom I do not like.

The opposite of kindliness is a malignancy that is negative and often seen as bad, dark or evil.

Kindliness is benign. It is warm, welcoming, embracing and accepting of life in a positive way.

Unkindliness is malignant. It is cold, aloof, disconnected and intolerant of life in a negative way.

I can be benign and kindly without being generous, although giving of my kindliness will always be seen as generosity.

I give with kindness, I express my kindliness.

Kindness gives to others material possessions that others want and need.

Kindliness is a compassionate state of being that I share with another person who also has a kindly disposition.

Kindness motivates others. Kindliness empowers my Self.

Kindliness kindles inspiration. I am inspired when empowered with kindliness.

Kindness is how I treat others. Kindliness is how I treat my Self.

I kindle myself with gentleness & good grace. I am kind to others with the generosity of my sharing.

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