
Kindness is a knowing that we are all Alike.

It is a state of Being Alike and of the same kith & kin.

Kind & unkind, are a duality born out of the belief that we are all different.

We are kind to those who we are like.

We are unkind to those who are different.

Generosity is the act of giving to those who we like.

Meanness is the absence of giving to those who are not like us and we do not like.

Kindness is beyond the duality of being kind or unkind, kin or not kin, like or not like, generous or mean, like or different.

It is a knowing that we are all fundamentally part of the same Essence.

Essentially, we are all One and the Same.

Whatever I do to another I do unto my Self equally.

The Law of Attraction governs the Golden Rule; there are no exceptions.

Kindness is the result of knowing that whatever I give out or express, I receive in return; it is the Law.

Kindness is the act of “Doing unto others only that which I would choose others to do unto my Self”.

With the attainment of Kindness, the Law of Attraction always works in my favour, which is exactly how it is designed to work.

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