Kind, Caring & Considerate

Being Kind, Caring & Considerate are modern virtues, but they are not Divine Attributes.

They all have a gender and a polar opposite.

The negative polar opposites are being unkind, uncaring and inconsiderate.

They have male gender opposites of being envious, insensitive and selfish.

Female gender energy is considered virtuous and male gender energy is judged to be sinful. Neither are Divine.

The female energy of being kind, caring and considerate is an act of humility, pleasing and unselfishness that is ‘giving’ emotional energy to another.

The male energy of being envious, insensitive and selfish is greedy, proud and arrogant that seeks to ‘take’ emotional energy from another.

Emotional energy that is divided by either gender or polarity is not Divine.

Divine Energy (Holy Spirit) is whole and undivided by either gender or polarity.

When I believe that it is better to give than to receive, being kind, caring and considerate will be seen as morally good.

When I believe that giving and receiving are required to be in balance, I will choose Compassion, Equanimity & Sensitive-Detachment to attain Goodness.

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