Karma & Dharma

What I believe to be true becomes my reality because like thought energy is drawn to itself as a real experience.

My Karma is whatever I draw to my Self as my experience.

My perspective creates my reality.

When I perceive my karma to be a punishment, I create the problem of experiencing any negative energy vibrations that I attract to my Self.

When I perceive Dharma to be a reward for overcoming my karma, I create a challenge that I am required to overcome to receive my reward.

My lesson is that karma & dharma are a duality that always creates a drama in physical experience.

To overcome the dual reality, I am required to see Kharma as an opportunity for spiritual growth.

I draw every experience in life to my Self as an opportunity for the growth of my Soul.

Without judgment, I see that the Law of Attraction allows me to choose my own unique path of spiritual development through the multi-dimensional realms of energy & matter in physical motion.

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